
No Looking Back

NO ONE WHO PUTS HIS HAND TO THE PLOW AND LOOKS BACK IS FIT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD.   -LUKE 9:62 "God's kingdom is love. What does it mean to love? It means to be sensitive to life, to things, to persons, to feel for everything and everyone to the exclusion of nothing and no one. For ex­clusion can only be achieved through a harden­ing of oneself, through closing one's doors. And the moment there is a hardening, sensitivity dies. It won't be hard for you to find examples of this kind of sensitivity in your life. Have you ever stopped to remove a stone or a nail from the road lest someone come to harm? It does not matter that you will never know the person who will benefit from this gesture and you will receive no reward or recognition. You just do it from a feeling of benevolence and kindness. Or have you felt pained at the wanton destruction in another part of the world, of a forest that you will never see and never benefit from? Have you gone to some trouble to help a

Awakening The Light Body Matrix

CODE 1   The Ceremony of Original Innocence A holonomic model of transcendence; a journey of remembrance, forgiveness, resurrection and ultimately transcendence of the dualistic mortal paradigm. CODE 2   Ceremony Of Synthesis - The reconnection of the 13th Circuit - Preparing the Pranic Causeway. The 13th Circuit connects into the Occiput, where the spinal cord enters the brain, and grounds the this electromagnetic energy into the Coccyx. The form and progression of the 23 geometric fractals of the Human creation code and their sonic counterparts are resonant with aspects of the Holonomic agreement that is the Human Blueprint.  CODE 3 Ceremony of Sacred Breath Breath the unspoken vow between spirit and matter, the catalytic sustenance that gives your eyes the gift of sight, your ear

Become Like Children

TRULY, I SAY TO YOU, UNLESS YOU TURN AND BECOME LIKE CHILDREN, YOU WILL NEVER ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. -MATTHEW 18:3 " The first quality that strikes one when one looks into the eyes of a child is its innocence: its lovely inability to lie or wear a mask or pretend to be anything other than what it is. In this the child is exactly like the rest of Nature. A dog is a dog; a rose, a rose; a star, a star; everything is quite simply what it is. Only the adult human being is able to be one thing and pretend to be another. When grown-ups punish a child for telling the truth, for revealing what it thinks and feels, the child learns to dissemble and its innocence is destroyed. Soon it will join the ranks of the numberless people who say helplessly, "I do not know who I am," for, having hidden the truth about themselves for so long from others, they end up by hiding it from themselves. How much of the innocence of childhood do you still re­tain, is there anyone today in whose