
Showing posts with the label Detachment

Drop Your Nothing

"Disciple: I have come to you with nothing in my hands.  Master: Drop it at once!  Disciple: But how can I drop it? It is nothing.  Master: Then carry it around with you!  Your nothing can be your most valued possession." from the book  "Song Of The Bird"  by  Anthony de Mello truth,  OdiliaCarmen

No Looking Back

NO ONE WHO PUTS HIS HAND TO THE PLOW AND LOOKS BACK IS FIT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD.   -LUKE 9:62 "God's kingdom is love. What does it mean to love? It means to be sensitive to life, to things, to persons, to feel for everything and everyone to the exclusion of nothing and no one. For ex­clusion can only be achieved through a harden­ing of oneself, through closing one's doors. And the moment there is a hardening, sensitivity dies. It won't be hard for you to find examples of this kind of sensitivity in your life. Have you ever stopped to remove a stone or a nail from the road lest someone come to harm? It does not matter that you will never know the person who will benefit from this gesture and you will receive no reward or recognition. You just do it from a feeling of benevolence and kindness. Or have you felt pained at the wanton destruction in another part of the world, of a forest that you will never see and never benefit from? Have you gone to some trouble to help a