
Showing posts from 2020

Stop Fighting Your Own Shadows

Allow me to disallow you any further misunderstanding. YOU are directly responsible for everything that shows up as reality. The fact that you are in it proves it! If you see yourself as a slave that implies you have a master. If you see yourself as a master that implies slavery. There is no true mastery except self mastery and no responsibility except responsibility over own miscreating thoughts and perceptions. Separation and duality happens within our minds and only within our minds can be healed and transcended as well. It is time to take responsibility over all minds. Within OUR OWN mind! There is no other but yourself! In other words, stop fighting your own shadows! It suffice bringing them into light! truth,  OdiliaCarmen

The Other One`s Pain

We are caught up in an eternal fight over semantics while we are completely oblivious and careless of each others pain and hurt. No one will ever be completely right or wrong while one's eyes are veiled in perceptions. And no one will get rid of perceptions (no matter how much one tries) by measuring right and wrong. However, it suffice to look at the other one's pain for all veils to drop and the war to be over! Wake up from oblivion! truth,  OdiliaCarmen

Less Things More Life

Everyday we get more and more into slavery by buying things more or less "valuable" that are neither of real use nor a necessity to our happiness. We are lead to believe that this is how it is supposed to be. That we shall follow the trends so we can be acknowledged. That our value consists of gold weight and money worth of the things we own. Thoreau  pointed well that "the price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it". Cause ultimately we don`t pay with money but with the amount of time we worked for that money. Which is basically our life. Shall we remember then? Every moment we feel an urgency to spend ... for whatever? That less = more. Thus, less things, more life. truth,  OdiliaCarmen

All That Is Good, All That Is GOD!

"Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar and to God what belongs to God" Obey the law that is! Yes, man made law isn't natural, pure or righteous. Yet, God allows it! Why? Because through evil, punishment and oppression God is attempting to straighten our perception. And thus, the question isn't whether the law is wrong or not. The question is, what God wants us to see? What God wants us to correct in our perception? Obeying an evil Cesar and an unnatural law? Isn't that weakness? Isn't that submission and acceptance of error? "You have only the power that God has given you over me" said Christ to Pontius Pilate That means.. Man made law will not affect you or have power over you more than God allows it to. When your perception will be truly righteous you will become untouchable! Stop fighting! Trust in God's plan! Transcend all evil! Not by fighting it but by being all that is Good! All that is God that is! truth,  OdiliaCarmen

When You Are Ready To Listen

Ever wonder why even the almighty, seemingly careless, leaves you into the oblivion of most excruciating pain? Why though you scream from the depth of your being for a bit of light you are left into complete darkness? It`s because you are not truly willing! To listen! You don`t seek for THE answer. You seek for a solution of your own construction. Your request is for the problem to stop so that your pain may go away. But what you aren`t ready to be shown is that YOU are THE problem! You are wounded by your own perceptions of right and wrong! What must or musn`t be! You beg for light while you hold on darkness in the clench of your teeth. You cling to pain and keep on agonizing into your own delusion. Expanding darkness by extending faults and blames to all those, human and gods alike, that seem unwilling to help you. And you keep on reasoning... with your own limited mind, over how entitled you are to happiness. But.. are you really? Well, let me te

The Freedom To Choose

Jealousy comes with the objectification of those we love. When one places the "my" in front of "love" one gets a sense of ownership over the beloved. And with the ownership of our beloved we take away our beloved's freedom as well. And that can never end up well since is the main and most important human right in our lives. The freedom to choose! Whatever we want to experience that is. truth,  OdiliaCarmen

The Monster In Our Closet

One may think it's the unmet needs and desires the cause of broken relationships. And we are tired and mostly unwilling to satisfy someone else's needs before or in the detriment of our own. Needs and desires make us walk and even run on purpose at times. But fears.. Oh my! We hide, run, jump, climb, walk on bodies... whatever is needed. To escape our fears. And what are fears anyway? Well, unintegrated experiences from or since early childhood. Things we haven`t completely understood that hurt and frightened us and that we never want to repeat. But guess what? They will be repeated on and on and on... Because we live in their shadows. We project from them and perceive through them. We want to escape them so badly that anything as close as a resemblance will trigger us into great discomfort and stress. Say, one is afraid of spiders for example... God forbid you joke with "a spider on you!" unless you want one to have a heart attack o

The Right Relationship

The "right" relationship requires not a perfect mind/physical/soul match but a dedication to love beyond the limits of our common beliefs and personal needs. A process of evolution and break through the social, cultural, religious, human conditionings, etc... A dedication to support each other through common understanding or one another when one fails to see clearly or understand the "right" way, for the purpose of growth, ultimate freedom and happiness. First and foremost achieving individual balance and happiness and only after happiness in two as a couple. If that can be possibly achieved together, if not, and if the process of growth and learning is ended, then accepting to part ways in search for a new process. truth,  OdiliaCarmen

The Journey

We seek. We find. We process (compare, analyze, comprehend) similarities and differences. We reach to a higher perspective. The one that reveals to us that differences are mere illusions, that all is connected, all is one. Life is not better anywhere else (whatever corner of the world, that is). The same struggles goes within each human being. We might see them on different scales, in different colors, but only because we judge them from the outside. We measure them from our standing point, which is always a comparing point. What is within cannot be measured from without. Thus what is within may be found only when the search without is finalized. When the process is ended what is within becomes one with what is without. The rest is creation. When peace, love, truth is within, you cannot experience the opposites without. No matter what seems to happen around you. No matter where you are. No matter whom you encounter. It is the journey of every human being. (I dare to say, of every livin

Why Are We Here?

We weren`t born to suffer but neither to be happy doing what we want and like on this earth.. or as others would like to claim "we were born to love". We were born to experience! From experience to understand. And from understanding to evolve. Our confinements are not permanent. Nothing is. With evolution comes change. If change is not here... it is not its time. Yet! We still need some understanding! truth,  OdiliaCarmen

How To Be Yourself

Stop reading and following all quotes, posts, books and whatever else entitled "How to" this or that. Whomever teaches you THE steps is in fact robbing you of the whole perspective by offering you a mere point of view to cling on. SELF is to be uncovered through self observation and self experiencing as well as the observation of all that is "out"of self. Someone else's experience isn't and will never be your experience. It's your understanding (of someones else`s experience), not your replication of it, that will integrate it's values into your beingness. truth,  OdiliaCarmen

All That You See

You are and always have been all that you see. All of it. Wake up! truth,  OdiliaCarmen