
Kena Upanishad

also known as TALAVAKARA-UPANISHAD or KENOPANISHAD for further details check wikipedia FIRST KHANDA  1. The Pupil asks: 'At whose wish does the mind sent forth proceed on its errand? At whose command does the first breath go forth? At whose wish do we utter this speech? What god directs the eye, or the ear?' 2. The Teacher replies: 'It is the ear of the ear, the mind of the mind, the speech of speech, the breath of breath, and the eye of the eye. When freed (from the senses) the wise, on departing from this world, become immortal. 3. 'The eye does not go thither, nor speech, nor mind. We do not know, we do not understand, how any one can teach it.  4. 'It is different from the known, it is also above the unknown, thus we have heard from those of old, who taught us this. 5. 'That which is not expressed by speech and by which speech is expressed, that alone know as Brahman, not that which people here adore. 6. 'That which does not think by mind, and by which,

Looking At The Other One`s Pain

We are caught up in an eternal fight over semantics while we are completely oblivious and careless of each others pain and hurt. No one will ever be completely right or wrong while one's eyes are veiled in perceptions. And no one will get rid of perceptions (no matter how much one tries) by measuring right and wrong. However, it suffice to look at the other one's pain for all veils to drop and the war to be over! Wake up from oblivion! truth,  OdiliaCarmen

I Came To Be. Everything!

The world was full of evil. So I became good. The world was full of sorrow. So I became joy. The world was full of lack. So I became abundance. The world was full of hate. So I became love. The world was full of dark. So I became light. The world was full of death. So I became life. The world wasn't any longer... Anything. And so... I came to be. Everything truth,  OdiliaCarmen